I've recently moved to the exotic land of
Albany where pedestrians fling themselves across four lane highways and the Empire State Plaza looms over the skyline like a steel hawk. Okay, there are some great things about Albany, like my friend Maria, she lives here, or near here anyway. She's got the know-how, the hook up, the "in" so to speak. So another friday night is no longer just that,
it's Long Trail drinks in
Yuengling pitchers at Jillian's bar downtown with Civil Twilight performing in the background. Nothing like a free concert to bring out the Napkin art inspiration:
The evening progressed with debauchery and Maria and I perfected our photo-ready-face on an epic journey to the powder room.
Katy- what are you talking about you need help? Your blog looks great!!! I especially love the background... nice layout and design! I'm glad you're doing this too- it's so much fun... though can be a little addictive... and I don't look at all crazy in those photos. not one bit. come visit me at lunch again. i love it.